Couples Coaching

Couples Coaching In Woodbridge, VA


Reactivity within couple relationships is common.  It's also a natural stage in the formation of emotional intimacy, one that can strengthen a healthy connection between you.

If defensive reactivity or addictive relationship patterns are affecting the quality of your couple relationship, you’ve come to the right place. Conscious-Love Relationship Coaching is an integrated approach in which conscious awareness, thought and action are applied directly to help you as individuals in your role as partners in your couple relationship, and, if applicable, in your role as parents and leaders of your family, to transform pockets of emotionally charged memories that cause the reactivity that, ultimately, affects the quality of your life and relationship today.

What is Conscious-Love Relationship Coaching and Consulting ?

Based on the latest findings in affective neuroscience, the quality of your inner peace and happiness is profoundly connected to your ability to nurture quality relationships in your life, especially with those closest to you. Relationships are your connection to life’s joys, meaning and purpose, yet they are also the biggest challenges, and sources of pain and discontent for most. 

If you and your partner find it difficult to respond to one another without automatic defensive reactions, take heart. My Conscious-Love relationship coaching allows you to transform challenges into growth experiences in ways that enhance, rather than erode, emotional intimacy in your relationship. The primary emphasis is on strengthening relational quality of your couple relationship as a point of balance for healing old wounds, disowned aspects of self that may be causing inner reactivity, and restoring the sense of safety and trust you and your partner need to feel to give and to receive love from one another.

In contrast, habitual reactivity and defensiveness have the opposite effect or, at best, are hit or miss. You may do fine, for example, on days when you are at your best. How about those “off” moments, when you feel a bit overwhelmed, overextended, or pressured? Do you know how to manage your heart in these challenging moments? When you communicate reactively, out of frustration, with anger, irritability or anxiety, your attempts to influence others, regardless your intentions or helpful you are trying to be, are likely to be met resistance. 

Conscious-Love coaching invites you to focus your caring on nourishing the quality of your relationships. Each partner works individually on the following treatment goals, TO:

    • Deepen knowledge of own self, wants, emotional needs, dreams, unique perspectives, beliefs and convictions.
    • Gain better understanding of relationship with self and the other, as both unique individuals and team members.
    • Structure your communications to allow each to feel safe enough to remain empathically connected.
    • Examine the impact of past wounds or defining events on your current personal lives and relationship.
    • Identify limiting subconscious scripts and beliefs that block communications and cause reactivity.
    • Identify and replace unhelpful thinking and coping habits with enriching ones.
    • Identify and replace limiting beliefs with ones that optimize energy, enthusiasm, positive beliefs and momentum.
    • Learn the difference between making requests and demands.
    • Understand anger, and the distinctions between healthy anger versus aggressive anger.
    • Talk together and listen in a way that each feels accepted, validated and understood.

Why Conscious-Love
Couples Coaching?

Conscious-Love is a way to relate to self and to others that focuses on cultivating radiantly healthy relationships.

Talking freely and openly is also a hallmark of healthy couple relationships; in fact, in CL, the couple relationship is considered a powerful hub, a relationship that sets the standard and tone for all other relationships in the family. Partners in couple relationships learn how to exercise the power of consciously informed choices, to open up space for self and one another, and to free one another to be able to give from a place of love and joy, rather than from fear, shame or guilt. In doing so, they discover how stretching to promote one another’s sense of safety best guarantees the restoration of their own sense of self in the relationship. 

Online consultations with Dr. Staik are now available.